Bill Pay Service

Bill Pay Service

Our bill-pay services began in the 1970’s. We have helped local working families as well as snowbirds manage their finances. Our service for families who are busy with their day to day lives provide the necessary discipline and guidance needed to stay on track of their long-term goals, such as funding a retirement plan, paying off their mortgage, and saving for their children’s college education. For part-time residents or traveling professionals, we can take care of your finances  from utility bills to insurance payments- making sure that when you arrive everything is in order.

Do like the movie stars!  Have Boca Accounting help you with your budget and bill paying. If you are a snow bird with a local residence we can take care of the finances on that property. We can pay the mortgage, collect the local bills and make sure you don’t miss an insurance payment a week before the hurricane arrives. If you are a busy traveling professional we can monitor your expenses, pay your bills and assist with your budgeting. Yes, you can do all that yourself, but so could Lady Gaga, she of course does not.

This service started in the 1970’s when we helped a working class family save themselves from themselves. We collected their paychecks, paid all their bills and helped them make some very tough decisions. The result was amazing. Before we sold the New Jersey practice in the mid 1990’s they had accumulated a funded retirement plan, their mortgage was paid off and their children went to college.

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